he object of the new disability law (RD 1/2013) seeks to guarantee the basic conditions in equality, non-discrimination and accessibility, as well as to establish its regulations for the infringement of these fundamental rights.
From the Adecco Foundation, we provide different models for the implementation and compliance of the disability law applied in companies. Integrating Corporate Diversity processes that enable the labor integration of people with disabilities in a sustainable way.
The programs developed by the Adecco Foundation together with the collaborating companies, seek, in addition to complying with the law, to offer measures for the diversification of talent in the company, the recognition of the difference, promoting awareness towards groups of people who would otherwise be exposed to social exclusion.
The reservation of jobs for people with disabilities in Spain, indicates that those companies with more than 50 employees must ensure a 2% quota for employees with any type of disability.
This promotion of employment for people with disabilities cannot be separated from a protocol of action in companies. What is possible through the different measures that the Adecco Foundation proposes for the analysis of its Human Resources, the necessary training and awareness of the staff, the integration of CSR policies, corporate volunteering plans, or the development of work environments accessible. All of them complementary measures that in an action plan adjusted to the reality of each company, will enable in the medium and long term the integration of more people with disabilities as well as compliance with a regulation that benefits the entire social group.